Wednesday, September 9, 2009


josh, originally uploaded by hoongyeeleekrakauer.


Hoong Yee Lee Krakauer

Executive Director

Queens Council on the Arts

One Forest Park at Oak Ridge

Woodhaven, NY 11421

347 505 3018 desk

917 373 4305 cell

Sunday, February 22, 2009

DIY Cheezit Sunday

OK, I confess.

My eyes light up at the sight of the cheery red box filled with perky little cheese squares and yes, I CAN chomp my way through an entire box, thank you for wondering!

Here is something fabulous for you. For all of you who dream of lighting up the eyes of all who see you - a recipe for parmesan cheese crackers by Mark Bittman! Get creative in the art of the cheeze square.

My version is actually the work of my 11 year old son, Sky, who I love to bake for and to bake with. Boys who bake rock!

Happy cheez crackers! Got a tasty version? Love to hear about it.